M-Be Mine, Stake Your Claim


Terra looked up at the call. Immediately her tail set wagging wildly. He was on two legs. What a bother. As swiftly as she could Terra began the shift to optime form, plenty eager to accommodate. She had barely finished changing, not yet off the ground when he reached her side. Terra shook herself slightly, pushing happily into his arms as he wrapped around her. Her own hands found their way across his body, feeling the slim muscles beneath him. He was incredible. She wanted him. Now.

Licks showered her face, Terra pushing into him to lick back at him, occasionally getting in a kiss with her eagerness. It was messy, her mind fully distracted and occupied and trying to get closer to him in the awkward position they were in. A place to stay? Why would they need that? Terra was perfectly fine where they were right then, tail waving behind her. Pushing back she whined, eyes looking over him, body still tangled up from the shift. Close?

Let the night take you away

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