We'll all float on anyway...

He couldn't imagine who would have lived here, eyes growing judgmental of the canines that may have been through the are or even called the place home. Of course the disbanded-Dreamers had lived in the Manor, but it had a homy feel to it. It had been seemingly more natural then this place... Oak frowned at the window he looked in, grungy and clouded he could not make what was inside. Then a voice spoke. At the verge of jumping from surprise Oak forced himself to be still for a moment, and then turned to see the female's face. Barret? he thought as he took her in, turning fully after another moment's passing.

Oak shook his head, Oh, no I'm not. He did not know who that was, nor who the female was either. Had she noticed the other's scents that lingered from the past? She was the first for Oak to have met since Crimson Dreams broke down, and he stalled at the notion of introducing himself. I was just looking around. He watched the woman, finding her a bit wind swept if he had to describe her. A mane of black and browns covered her head, a shift of fabric tacked around her form and a coloring that made him wonder if the two hues could not choose a happy blend and medium.

I'm Oak. He added. A hand rested on the axe, a comfort in an uncomfortable world. You know this place?


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