[M] - My Little Friend


Jaden felt the bottle of wine leave his grasp and turned his palm flat onto Amy’s blond belly. Her body was warm against his on this chilly afternoon. He hadn’t a good view of her face from this angle but admired the feminine curve of her muzzle as she drank even more. How many more times would he realize she was quite beautiful before it just became a fact in his mind and not something to marvel at? Maybe when he began to trust her fully could he giver her attributes as well. Under that dark and slightly pleasant guise, he had no idea what truly lurked. Only dangerous beauty.

The confusion in her voice was plain. They drew a worried expression from dark Alaskan features as he looked about the side of her lovely face. She looked confused from here too. Even Jaden’s family had been gracious to each other during some time. His father had been strict, but he had no doubt the man had loved him as his son. That she truly didn’t understand that felling of trust from family amazed him. He thought that all families had some sort of kindness behind their love. I disagree, Jaden said with the confusion for her answer on his voice, If not for kindness, why would I have stopped to help you? Yes, I owed you something for these fine weapons, one of his claws rubbed over a dagger at his hip, But to risk my life for you in battle is over payment for material goods, is it not? He looked into her brown eyes and noticed the vulnerability, something that caught him off guard from the strong-willed woman. His blues were honest to reinforce the words he spoke and searched for more expression in hers.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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