Learning new tricks
[html] lol

Oak's inquiry did not surprise her as much as it flattered her. He wanted to learn from her? Of course she would do her best to impart the wisdom of her teachers to him, perhaps with a bit of her own personal spin. The male possessed raw strength already, and he obviously felt familiar with his weapon. This would make teaching easier as the majority would have to focus on technique. The russet male explained his reasoning which only served to reinforce her agreement. "Certainly Oak, it would be a privilege to help teach you. We can start right now if you'd like," she replied, a full, eager smile painted on her features. Without another thought she turned and walked back to the area of earth where she had been practicing. Her maneuvers had flattened the grass and created an ideal training area at the edge of the orchard.

Her hand moved to the hilt of her sword drawing it effortlessly and holding it at her side. "Come, stand opposite me and I will have you mirror my movements. The balance on an axe is different than a sword, weighted more toward the front so some of these moves may not be as effective. However, this is just to let me see how you move with your weapon. Then we can start modifying my sword techniques to better suit your axe. We might even develop some completely new techniques over the course of the training. I'll do my best to teach you what I know, but we'll both be learning throughout this whole thing," she replied, her voice an outpouring of excitement. She knew it would take several days to set Oak up with the techniques he would need to progress as a fighter. After the basics were established however, she knew he would quickly evolve his own style and she would start sparring with him to allow him to test himself against a real opponent. There was no substitute for refining ones fighting skills than actually fighting. The prospects brought a smile to her face. She would enjoy teaching Oak, and she hoped to make the experience enjoyable for him as well. [/html]

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