on the sidelines


Word Count → 249

Hati studiously filed away the useful tip; once apple harvesting season rolled around, he could treat the horses here and get them to trust him more. Knowing Alder didn't mind him hanging around and watching the herd grazing gave him a little confidence -- he could visit the stables more frequently now, perhaps let Lottie tag along.

He watched the leather saddle being loosened and removed, waiting a moment for the next statement to sink in. "Wh... Right now? With Hawthorn? Erm, I don't think that's such a good idea," the Catori boy stammered, his calm exterior disintegrating. He didn't want to be humiliated in front of someone as respected as the Marshall, someone with so much experience and knowledge over him. But still, the desire to ride on horseback was such an elusive freedom... It was the one thing he looked forward to most about shifting, and he had to wait longer than either of his siblings to reach this point. Being slower to develop made him self-conscious, and being called a 'late bloomer' was not much comfort. He needed to catch up to Skoll, and Alder was the best possible teacher.

Conflicted, Hati frowned, finally edging closer to Alder. "But... if I'm not keeping you from your duties, I guess... I would appreciate a lesson," he mumbled, hoping he didn't come across as churlish. Hawthorn was the most magnificent horse he had ever seen, and it would be an honor, even if he ended up falling off.

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Table by Cait!

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