Frisky Business
Word Count :: 323 Zalen done gone lost his mind!

Zalen had been pleasantly dreaming, of nothing particular, but he was running through a field, most likely chasing dream rabbits. Though he was sleeping he was still aware of all the other sleeping bodies around him, it was almost as if his entire pack was incorporated into his dream. So when Titania got up, he sensed her leave, but only subconsciously, and the world in which he was became colder, still pleasant, but chilly.

His mate was in a fervor though, and her prodding nose and paws awoke him. He was drowsy, and was not sure what was going on, and her request to join her was only registered after she had bounded out of the den again. He rose slowly to his feet and stretched, letting out a long yawn before shaking the sleep from his fur. He took in a breath, and it hit him.

The heat scent was ungodly strong, it shot through him like a drug and all his fur immediately stood on end. Because it was hers, it affected his senses to the core and he stood motionless for a moment, eyes wide and pupils no bigger than pinpricks.

Stiffly he began to move, his mind trying desperately to deal with the onslaught of hormones now coursing through his veins. The sleepiness wasn’t helping much either, and so when Zalen finally exited the den and saw his mate sitting in the moonlight, glowing like a jewel, and Palaydrian next to her, and pacing a ways off Tharin, Zalen just lost his head. He bounded over to Palaydrian and grabbed her by the scruff, not aggressively but enough to make her submit. He nearly mounted her, but had enough sense to refrain from that, and then, turning to Tharin, lifted his black lips in a warning snarl. The Alpha shook his head then, snorting; the scent was maddening, Titania! He cried out, ending her name with a long whine.

Photo courtesy of heathercharise

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