baa baa black sheep, have you any wool

Woot!! <33333

Aiden halted his tracks as a sound broke the sanctity of the woods. His ink-dipped ear swivelled toward the origin of the noise, followed by his piercing blue gaze. Scarcely twenty yards away, a silvery form lay amongst the brush and leaves of the forest floor, her breathing a bit ragged and labored. The sound he'd heard must have been her legs giving out and landing her unceremoniously in her current state, and the male quietly stepped in to get a closer look.

Her pelt was littered with injuries in various stages of healing, and she was somewhat unkempt. It appeared the girl had been in a fairly intense squabble recently, and curiosity and concern took over. The stranger spoke an inquiry as the Oriel male drew near, and he tilted his head at the sound. Then again, the word or name could have been a hundred different things, and wasn't necessarily the Nordic word he was thinking of. He knelt down before the female as he stopped, his optime form huge and hulking compared to the shewolf's dainty, lupine build. Are you hurt badly? What happened to you? It seemed as though the female's wounds had been relatively tended to, but quite honestly she shouldn't have been out and about just yet. She had probably pushed herself too hard and collapsed where she now lay out of sheer exhaustion.

Aiden knew next to nothing about herbs and medical care, but he did recognize the scent the girl carried. She hailed from a pack nearby, one that shared a portion of the town he loved to explore, (and consequently, one that piqued his curiosity for the intriguing scent of possible kin that lingered there), so he knew its marks well. If all else failed, though he deigned to interact with official pack protocol just yet, he'd carry her back home. His voice was a soft, gravelly baritone when he addressed the shewolf again. You're from Dahlia de Mai, are you not? What in Fenris' name are you doing out here alone in your condition? The male raised a brow as he crouched before her, his necklace and brand the only inconsistencies against his monochrome black coat.

Table by Tay


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