Early Bird
Word Count :: 347 OOC: Jiva is in lupus :3

Jiva was sad, angry, and unsure all at once. Palaydrian had been attacked and he wanted to go after the man that did it, but he was weak and he knew it. He wanted to do something to show Drin that he cared for her and he hated that she had been treated this way but how? He had been up early and was scouting the borders, a job he took even more seriously now, though he was weak he was protective of his pack, his family, friends, and anything that was deemed a part of New Dawn.

He was headed on his way back when a new smell came, it was a wolf and a new member. She had the scent of one that just came but was here for a while now. Taking his chance to get to know a wolf he hadn’t met before he trotted to look at this new member. There was something off on her smell that he was so use to in his time in this world. He had never met a wolf who was non luperci so he couldnt’ pin his paw on it.

When the white wolf came into his view he made himself perk up and his tail curled up agianst his back. He looked far more like his husky anscestry that it was a wonder he was mostly wolf. He trotted to the woman and started sniffing at her as a custom to those new in the pack it was his way of quietly getting to know her. He said nothing though until his quiet investigation was over with and he moved back to give her a sad smile.

“You are new here, my name is Jiva Takekuro. Welcome to New Dawn.”

He said rather formally than his normal puppyish self. He was just a little over a year old so he had tended to play more than he acted like an adult, but he was far gone from that at the moment due to the attack on Paladrian.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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