Storm in a teacup

I can has powerplay

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Bastard. Monster. Attacker. The thoughts rushed through her head, the anger boiling inside her. But she somehow remained cool. This was perhaps the strength of Asgard's children. They knew anger and frustration and madness, indeed there were whispered mentions of uncles gone mad with bloodlust, but Hel was balanced. She was angry that this wolf trepassed on the land and yet remained cool and detached, just waiting to kill. She brought the knife up, expecting to connect with flesh, when something extraordinary happened. He disarmed her. Her eyes widened in the darkness. Her fingers released the blade and she heard a soft thud as it landed in the grass. A horrible thought crossed her mind: he knew how to fight. He really knew.

Fear spread through her mind, her body, and she nearly froze. It was almost like her first serious fight in Europe. The old man (by her reckoning, the fighter was only 5) had disarmed her and pushed her to the ground. She'd flayed and spat and bitten but he remained unmoved. He'd knocked her unconscious. Her blue eyes glinted. She no longer was the puppy of then. Kicking out towards his stomach, she felt the blow connect, though not fully, as she had hoped. The bastard was quick. Hel took a few hasty steps backwards and drew another blade. Adrenaline pumping, she made the reasonable choice of waiting for him to come at her.


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