M-Be Mine, Stake Your Claim


She listened to his words, assured by the closeness. She needed that. Terra wasn't too sure how far she could go, her entire body on fire with his presence. Each touch sent it's own spiral of desire running through her body, tail swishing behind her. Vaguely Terra knew it was more than just Kit's actions exciting her, but the way that he seemed able to please her without thinking about it, the way that he held her, everything she could have wished for.

Her shoulder was nipped softly, long legs finally untangling so she could manage to stand. It was a little shaky, barely enough time to get used to the tipsy feeling in her body before he was stepping forwards. Terra pressed eagerly against him, rubbing happily at his body. She stepped back slowly, ending with her back braced against a tree. With nowhere to go Terra whined, arms wrapped around him, one hand running through his hair. She nudged his head, nipping and growling playfully as she waited.

Let the night take you away

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