Strange Face in Strange Lands

Leland smiled at Iskata’s words, as he was enjoying being an oddity, at least for the time being. He might grow tired of it, or rather, he was sure he would grow tired of it, but what was to say that he was going to stay in these lands? And if he did, well, what was to say that the wolves wouldn’t grow use to his face, his coat, his body, his speech and mannerism? Iskata seemed friendly enough toward him, but what if the other’s weren’t? Perhaps she could shed some insight, as her next comment, not knowing how the others would take the sight of him, did concern him somewhat. You mean, you think they might reject a mutt like me? He hoped not, for even if he was only passing through, and he wasn’t sure if he was or not, or just how long he’d stay if he was only a short rest, he didn’t like to be rejected, bullied or made fun of.

Leland smiled at her next question, why was he here and where did he come from? He supposed he’d get that question a lot and he would grow tired of answering, but it wasn’t like Leland to lie or avoid the truth, no matter if he wanted to recite it or not. “Broken heart. I jus couldn’t look at my sweetheart anymore, so I left home. Well, nah. There was also getting to be so many of us, living in so little land, it’s only natural for a young fellow like myself to go out on his own, inn’t it?” He smiled. Many of the dogs and wolves his age, mostly males, left the packs if they hadn’t found a mate, which he technically had not. That was okay, the farther he got from her, the more he was feeling better. “As to where I come from, hmm. It’s quite a ways west, I’ve been traveling for months. More than a hundred miles at least, but I can’t say just exactly how far I’ve been traveling.” Leland smiled again at the lady, unsure what to say next, letting her take the lead.


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