[M] - My Little Friend


It was strange how fast the mood had changed. One moment they are drinking and flirting, the next glace is being broken with a snarl marring Amy’s pretty features. Jaden straightened up a little bit at her show and felt a dizziness swirl through the back of his head. Even though he hadn’t felt it until then, the drink had hold of him. He sighed in and out deeply to clear his head as best he could and smelled the wine on his breath. Drifting back from thoughts of his condition, he eyed Amy again. He felt her rigid form against his. She was really uncomfortable talking to him about this and the implications behind it were a bit startling. Had she really seen no genuine kindness in all her years? Or maybe it was just a cruel childhood that tainted any thought of kindness from another. From the way she spoke, this was the most likely situation.

Jaden didn’t feel pity often. Most wolves deserved what they had and few suffered as much as he had. There was never any good reason to feel sorry for another. But eyes that didn’t show it felt pity for suffering he had no true understanding of. To actually believe there to be no value in simple kindness was difficult to comprehend, even for the Alaskan killer. It showed Amy’s true colors and why she seemed so dark on the inside. But all couldn’t be bad. If so, why was she here? Why would she bother thanking the man who helped her if simple kindness simply didn’t exist?

The answer there, if she was all condemning of kindness, was simple. She wanted something from him or planned on using this encounter to further her own goals, whatever they may be. perhaps, was the only word that Jaden uttered while he meditated on this for a long few moments. Surprisingly, the thought of Amy trying to use him for something stung. But if it was true, he felt she wouldn’t deny it. So he asked, But, if kindness isn’t just given, why have you come to thank me?

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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