maybe where the roads part

to be honest, i thought you didn't reply to this thread yet. ; ; sorry for the wait. And, wow, Sparrow being a little... bitter. >>''

Word Count → 423

“No, I guess not,” Sparrow replied, mocking a rather depressed sigh following her words. In reality, these days seemed to be nothing but that from what she heard. But, the thought was far off for the woman, simply enjoying the more or less fun conversation she was sharing with her sister, returning her glare with a desperate one of her own, glancing up at the ceiling with pitiful eyes. The came back down and reverted back to normal as Ves went quiet, thinking about the she question she asked. She frowned at her answer, and said, mostly to herself in a rhetorical term, “There’s got to have been more than that.”

While she herself never got into a fight, she had mildly interesting things happen to her, from meeting foreign canines and concepts and self-discoveries about her. But, she then assumed that must have been nothing for Vesper, meeting many different people from her fights that she did not bother to remember. Her ears pinned against her head as she turned towards her for an answer, unsure what to say. “Well… From the sounds of it, so far,” she murmured frankly, glancing towards the floor and back up again. She added quickly, “Though, things can change. There’s got to be more to life than fighting… I wouldn’t know, though.”

She guessed she had been fighting too, though not the same enemies that her sister had dealt with. Her own nemesis was inside of her, her own mind. Sparrow fought with herself over most things, and lost, and sometimes things were too confusing for her to even continue. She had no one to blame but Marcel, but she saw more than that—his hold on her could have only gotten so far. She just allowed him to hurt her, to morph herself to be her biggest stranger, or at least that were the thoughts that convinced her to be her problem, that it was her fault in the first place.

She fell silent, though it was much deeper than the others that had occurred. There was such an abyss between the two, and Sparrow began to doubt if she would ever become more than just blood to Vesper, not even blaming her if she didn’t. Her heart felt the pain, but her mind numbed it, thinking it childish. She became cold, but the chill was too distant for Vesper to feel the direct wrath of it. “...Sometimes I wonder why Marcel didn’t kill me when he found me. It would’ve made things easier.”

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