Home is Where the Heart Lives
Words - 400+

By what Jaden understood, Thana was a killer. Like he, she was one who fought and traveled. Someone who traveled and fought, carrying weapons on horseback for which to fight with simply didn’t seem the type to have children of their own. He saw that the obsidian woman he was so fond of didn’t see it this way. She sounded a little hurt by his words. A muzzle intent on mending their miss understanding but fell closed upon interruption from the cute little pup at their feet. Anna explained rather vaguely what her situation was before her ‘mother’ shooed her away to play with a kitten the Alpha hadn’t noticed before now. He watched her idly with a bit of warmth and appreciation for the young spirit in his eyes while Thana began to lay out exactly how the single woman came to have a pup of her own.

Jaden was a bit embarrassed by her starting line and put a curious smile on his lips. She had changed for him? He knew she felt deeply for him and he felt more than simple friendship for her, but it was rather flattering. His smile did slowly falter as she went on. Slavery was something he greatly disapproved of. He felt that no respectable soul would seek to control others. It was too similar to what his murderous family had done and too similar to Salsola. It was something he would not tolerate in his pack. But his newly narrowed view of Thana broadened again with the supposed love she had for the little one. His deep blues meandered over to the playing child and took stalk of her again. She didn’t behave as slaves did. She had no fear of Thana that he could see.

It all came down to what he would do, what he would believe. As his gaze returned to the scared she-wolf, he wondered in the back of his mind if he could really trust her. They had met only twice. He felt he had learned a lot about her in those two meetings. They had done a lot in those two meetings. But he would have never guessed that she was a slave owner. “She had changed” since meeting him? Adopted? Were your plans to find a daughter when being given a slave? His voice wasn’t hostile but the conflict was evident in his tones.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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