i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky
Urgh, I can't stop yawning. ;_; *whines*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

On second thought, maybe they should have just done away with the word “curse” and just let it go at that. It was a word almost too applicable to everything, at least in their case. He nodded all the same though, letting his eyes roam thoughtfully around the store and over the various book covers and faded posters in cracked glass frames on the wall. “I wonder what got the humans,” he thought aloud, then lifting up a book that had a picture of one on the cover. “At least, since we're on the topic of curses, they must have screwed up or something with all of their crazy ideas.” In his book they had made a few good things—clothes, instruments, and booze for starters—but other than that he thought they were a little off the rocker when it came to other things. Religion, something called politics, things that didn't mean anything to him at all and made even less sense.

“At least they left behind good stuff, huh?”


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