Communication's dead
Oh, the poor bunny. Sebastian's grin widened slightly at the pointed look Ahiga gave him. The Italian was unsure whether precisely what the pale male was trying to convey with his look, but he was willing to take a guess. Presumably he was one those types who liked to keep who he had sex with relatively private.

Ha. Of course he didn't know Sebastian's reputation. He didn't know that if he showed up knowing Sebastian, plenty of members would assume that they had done the dirty. Sebastian chose to keep Ahiga in the dark as to this little fact.

Oh, and he planned to make Casa di Cavalieri his home? Even better. Hopefully he wasn't one of those clingy types. If not, Sebastian was sure that they could get along just swimmingly.

Sebastian sauntered over to Ahiga's side, a half-grin that showed off his sharp white teeth on his face as he looped his arm through the pale beauty's. This could certainly be fun.

"Of course," he said warmly, his molten eyes glittering wickedly. "I'd love to show him around." Even with that horse.

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