and i looked to the sky
Ehno was enjoying the refreshing bit of sunlight after all the storms. The sun had finally parted the veil of clouds in the sky, letting the sunlight reach down and warm the world below. A little glint of that sunlight reflected from a metal object off to the side of the house, revealing something he hadn't expected to see. His leader--pregnant leader, he reminded himself--was carefully making her way up to the roof on an old human ladder. In her lupine form. And it didn't look very safe. Becoming alarmed, he quickened his pace toward the building.

He slowed as he approached the ladder, stopping as he looked up at the white wolf. "Um, Naniko... do you really think you should be doing that?" He was worried about safety, but he wasn't exactly comfortable with the thought of telling the pack leader what to do. But he couldn't just stand around and wait until one misplaced paw led to a nasty fall. That wouldn't be good for her or the unborn pups she was carrying. "If you'd like, I could take a look up there for you," he offered. Ehno really had no idea what she was trying to accomplish up there, but he was getting too nervous to stand around and watch anymore.

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