Bad moon risin’

Justice was such a subjective thing. It would always be impossiblel to tell who was in the right and who was in the wrong. Phoenix offered his account of what had happened on Inferni borders -- he didn't know Skoll, he hadn't known Gibraltar very well either, and he wondered vaguely what the hell Naniko had been doing wandering around the beach, but he knew that if he were to ask any of the coyotes involved in the scuffle, their recount of events would be entirely different. The current Storm alpha hadn't been there, but he obviously had a stance on the issue. It was a sticky situation if Phoenix was really friends with this Skoll but Laruku had no advice to give. It was already difficult enough keeping his own messed up lines and relationships in order.

His relationship with Gabriel ran back much further. He had been suspicious from the very beginning, pretending to be from Chimera when the dog-like hybrid's relationship with his father was nothing to sing about. But it was easy for the tattered male to forget that it had been Gabriel that had killed Iskata's first mate, if only because the entire mess of a war blurred together in his mind as a beginning and an end with no middle to speak of (why? because the beginning and the end both involved the same person, whether directly or indirectly, didn't it). All the same, in the brief stint between the war and his monster's reign of terror, he and Gabriel had had a civil conversation. He knew the other was intelligent and had some set of morals, however fucked up they were. Maybe to some degree, he respected him, but that changed nothing at all. Worst of all was perhaps the fact that the man was the son of the only person he could venture to call a friend these days and a brother to his own children, as much as he had tried to distance himself from them all. What a tangled tree they all hung from.

If Gabriel thinks this Skoll is a threat to Inferni, he'll consider Storm a threat also if you take him back in, he said matter-of-factly, though he knew Phoenix probably already knew that. D'y'know if you're gonna let Skoll back then? What was more important in the end? Relationships with individuals or the safety of an entire pack? Laruku didn't really have a definitive answer for that one -- it depended on the person, didn't it? Even now, he thought he might throw everything away for someone and nothing away for anyone else.

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