[M] - My Little Friend


The longer the man sat under Amy’s beautiful form, the farther gone he was becoming. Inhabitations bled away until what would regularly be walls of caution became gentle reminders that care should be taken. Jaden watched the blond object of his attention intently for an answer. His clouded mind was eager to be there with her and enjoy the warm presence pressed against him. If she did end up being here for some reason other than for the company, he would be greatly disappointed.

To his great delight, she admitted to wanting to be there just for him. From the woman who was so dark, such a thing was worthy of recognition and maybe even a bit of flattery within himself. But to the intoxicated mind, it called for much more than that. A warm smile parted his lips and displayed the sharp teeth while he carefully wrapped both arms around the female’s body. He held her gently just above the waist and nuzzled her neck just below the jaw. That’s rather… Sweet. His voice ebbed out what could have sounded like a light confusion in the idea of Amy being sweet. But he had little care for it. If she wanted to be nice, sweet, and flirty, why not do the same? I really appreciate you stopping by.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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