On Top of the World

Again with the shortness. They will get better, I promise.


He sat and enjoyed the view for a fair amount of time before something got his attention. A gentle metal rustle became clear as someone approached. He didn’t recognize the sound and no scent met him to bid a name to it. He craned his neck back and watched the far said of the plateau for movement. Perhaps someone had already seen his beacon, even with the sun still peeking over the horizon. If the fire was that wonderfully visible then this was quite the place to build it.

The wolf he saw was familiar. A face from the celebration feast looked to him and brought the obsidian male to his feet. Jaden approached the other stranger where he stood at the edge of the rocky shelf. It is quite a view, He answered and looked back on it once more. But a hard climb too. Not sure if I would like to do that every day. A name eluded him. The Issum was terrible at remembering names. Had they even been introduced? He couldn’t recall that either. He smiled at the other, Forgive me, we are pack brothers and yet I have no name for you… They didn’t know each other yet but they would. This man and the staff he carried were no doubt a valuable addition to their family.

Jaden does. Jaden speaks. Jaden thinks.

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