The Walls are Closing In.

As his eyes glanced up and down the beast in front of him slowly, Itheral slowly took in the words being spoken. His head nodded slowly, maw agape, as the creature explained the rather serious situation to him. Whatever it was, he could understand what he was saying, though it seemed rather...impatient with him. Itheral couldn't blame him, really, given how he was apparently trespassing on the lands of whatever pack the beast was a part of. Gulping nervously, the fat, whimpering sod trembled in place, waiting for a moment to speak. Whatever he said next, it would have to be clear, concise, and to the point, lest he'd be rather horrifically killed at the paws of the monster before him.

Itheral took a long, deep breath, closed his eyes, and after a moment to try and calm down (which didn't work), he began to speak. "W-well....I honestly didn't know this tunnel w-was part of your lands...I mean, I know I was near your lands, but I swear, I was making a habit not to enter it, and I had no idea this little cavern was....well, there was these meats down here, see, and I think the smell may have masked any markings you folks put outside, and that kinda confused me, cause I was really hungry-been looking about for a pack for ages, you know-and I think I might of ate too much and got stuck, and I totally didn't realize this was on your lands, but if you let me go, I swear you'll never see me again, I promise!"

After the enormous sentence, Itheral took a deep breath, almost having passed out yet again, plopping down onto his rump. He had said all he could now, and while he was tempted to start begging for his life again, the fat wolf was at least smart enough to know doing so would likely only irritate the beast even more. So there the black wolf sat, biting his tongue, stifling pathetic whimpers of fear while he waited for judgement.


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