Starlight in the mid of day
Iskata watched the newcomer out of the corner of her eye as she examined this new world she'd accepted into her life. She smiled slightly when she noticed that the lady's sight was trailing to the beasts below. Iskata had seen the reaction of the others in their pack but after a while everyone had grown use to the idea and some even grew to find uses for the beasts before wintertime's approach. Iskata chuckled and spoke up. "We keep them for leaner times. It's not always easy to feed a whole pack come winter bare, so we decided to bring the prey to ourselves. They have their other uses too." She let her eyes trail down to the beasts herself before raising them up to the view of meadow and back to the lady before her.

The soft laughter of the lass made her smile as well as she spoke of bragging rights. She knew their pack did indeed have rights to that, but she knew the awe of the secret to, and she let Anu know that. "Yes, but keeping the secret is even more rewarding I'd think.." The concerns that Anu boast about their herd made the scarred up silver and gold lady chuckle as she turned back to the herd, raising a hand to point out the massive bull sitting off to the side while the rest peacefully dined. "We'll have to fight for them.. but we've got a mutual warrior in the herd. You'd get one hell of a surprise if you forgot about him. He's given me a run or two while I was checking on the lot of them.." Her eyes shined with the humor of it all, a grown wolf being chased by her own dinner. She's got over it by now, but it was still an amusing thought after the scare.

She turned her gaze back to Anu at the mention of the tough ladies that resided in the lands. She almost wanted to chuckle at it. She herself looked like she'd been through hell, the brilliant pink of new scars and the soft shell tone of the old that flashed through her fur. She knew she was a sight with a tattered ear and all, but she let the lady have her tease. Hel was their Warrior, not Iskata, and she smiled and let Anu know. "Hel's the one with skills. I know how to save my skin or anothers, but just enough for that. I'd probably never come out on top, but as long as the pack lives another day that's fine by me." She turned her eyes away a moment before explaining. "Hel probably explained the council to you, but the ranks aren't just for show. Hel's the Warrior because she knows her skills, she can protect herself and others, without the risk of her life, atleast moreso than I could. Deuce is our Shaman because she's a skilled apothocary, she knows her herbs and healing." she smiled a moment as she thought of Deuce, who was also know for her drinking and other habits, but the world didn't need to know her personal life.

She looked back to the smaller lass and opened her hands as she admitted. "I'm just the Matriarch, this pack is my family and friends.." She really didn't know how to explain who she was or why she was really their leader. They meant everything to her, and she would give her life for them, then agian any of the leaders would have done the same, in her own eyes she really wasn't that special, she was just a mother protecting those she knew and loved.

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