under cover

     The road had led him north, and up along the trail that led towards Inferni. Ahren’s weeks of absence had gone unnoticed, and he had intended to head back to the Dampwoods as if nothing had happened. He had a run-down army back on his back and newly-acquired cargo shorts. With the eye patch hiding his bad eye, his night sight was improved immensely. As he drew closer to the clan, the sound of battle reached his ears. Everything fell down into a quiet resonance, and he slipped into the cold, calculating killer he had become.
     Ahren moved with remarkable speed, and soon scaled a nearby tree. He looped the bag onto a nearby branch, then quickly set the crossbow up. From here, he had a clear shot. The blonde took several moments to aim, and then gave the trigger the one ounce of pressure it would need to strike—he had taken aim at the lighter, as of yet unengaged tan wolf.


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