M. broken halo
Word Count :: 383 OOC: Still others welcome Big Grin

Jiva hurried to get the gauze and anything he could carry, whatever he knew about healing it was about to be put to the test. As he was hurrying back Titania came in with a worried expression, and to be so as Palaydrian lay bloodied on the floor of the den. When she asked where she was he nosed in her direction as his hands were full. He did acknowledge her dominance with a whine of apology for not showing her proper respect but it seemed it was not the time. Titania rushed to the woman’s side. He took the oppertunity to get set up and look at her, feeling her for any broken bonse. He could see much bruising and bleeding where she had been injured and he tried not to just run out and find the man that he could smell all over her, she was far more important than revenge and though there were two other healers, in which he would welcome to help him, he wanted to be right with her. Once he assessed her thoroughly enough he began cleaning the worst of her wounds, the marking that was made on her and he squinted in concentration, trying not to hurt her, but doing what he could to make sure she wouldn’t get any infections. He didn’t speak a word. He didn’t have to, he poured water a piece of guaze he used to clean the wound, wishing they had warm water, but dealing with what he had right away. He stopped for a second when she spoke, a soft voice and he was too far away to hear it. He looked at his cousin, his ears perked.

“What did she say?”

He said, finally speaking. He continued to work, clearing wounds only to find more and some opened on him as he washed away the clotted blood. What happened to the poor woman? Where was he, wasn’t he suppose to protect her? He had his father’s fiers loyalty and to see such a thing hurt the man beyond words. She was his pack sister, and a potential mate. She could even be the one, but here she was helpless and all he could do was clean the wounds she should never have gotten.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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