You've gone ahead without me...


All of a sudden, the hunched over wolf whirled about on him. Anselm froze up instantly and glared; even before the other said anything, he knew what that kind of advance meant. Under normal circumstances, he might have been more than willing to go in guns ablazin', but these circumstances were not normal. First off, he was still somewhat beat up from the nonsense with Dahlia de Mai. Second, this wolf smelled of Iskata's pack to the south--Inferni couldn't afford to be fighting on two fronts at once, and he was certain he already had one huge strike against him that may as well count for two. He was positive if he fucked with any of her members, a whole new series of problems would erupt.
The other's voice confused him for an instant, but drawing the weapons out did not. He raised the axe defensively and tossed his bag to the side, but he did not advance. His ears slicked back and he snorted; he was halfway tempted to retreat, but he refused to leave this without knowing what the hell the problem was. "Skull?" he spat, tone incredulous and annoyed. Skoll was not a name he recognised, so he figured he just heard him wrong. Was he talking about those on the pikes? "Look, pal, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about and I don't know why I should care."
He sneered and jerked his gaze over to the crumpled form of the wolf's comrade. For all he knew, Asmodai had been the one to kill Soro. "Just killing everyone that comes through here, are we?" he asked, then clicked his teeth together as his mouth snapped shut. For crying out loud, what next? The fallen was even a wolf... did this have to do with Inferni at all? It certainly didn't seem like it. Mentally and physically, he prepared himself for a fight--all the while, his mind raced around in circles: Not now, not now, not now.

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