Fistful of Love
Word Count :: 447 OOC: Oh hai, poor Jiva is a bit disappointed haha, thought he was going to get lone time but darn it Tongue

Jiva hated to see Palaydrian the way she was at this moment and it saddened him she had to hurt so much, but no matter how many scars the woman would have, to Jiva she would always be beautiful. Even her raspy voice from the attack, he deduced she had been nearly strangled, was still a beautiful song in his ears. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and he pulled back, slightly surprised as she had yet to show any affection since their night in the town, but he was pleased all the same and he smiled giving her his own kiss, feeling far braver now because of her own kiss. Perhaps she did like him... like she said she did. It was a strange night he did admit that.

“I’m glad you did.”

THe man whispered to her putting his nose on her cheek and nuzzling it before his origional plans came to light as she spoke. He grinned at her words, his heart feeling more hopeful for the woman, though it seemed things might not be the same for her, her feelngs, whatever they were seemed to be going in the same direction they had been.

I have paper and...”

He started but a scent caught his nose and it twitched. His ears swiveled to hear an approaching wolf. It was female that was for sure. He could smell the scent of her heat coming off her. His whiskers twitched a little, but he was not effected like he was with Palaydrian, he knew he could over come the sensation especially with Palaydrian next to him. He did try to put his hand on her shoulder, more for his support than her. The woman had helped him with Drin when she had been unconscious. He owed the woman that much. And she was nice. He had looked after her own wounds, though learned little about how it happened.

“Fayne, it is good to see you again. How are you holding up? Are you healing well?”

He asked. He could see she walked with a limp but other than that he could tell she was healing fine. It seemed they both had something in common, because he knew she didn’t get her injuries from falling down a hill that was for sure. He was glad she came though, even in her condition she would be good company, and yet inside he was wishing dreadfully that she would go away so that he and Drin could continue a private moment together. Deep down he was hoping he would get another kiss from her.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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