Protect and serve
Aylu backed away slowly. He didn't want to startle the horse anymore then it already seemed to be. The boy didn't seem to happy to have him around either. [color]"Are you per chance related to Dalgina and Pandora and that amazing fighter woman Jace?"[/color] he asked after putting Russell in his stall far from the white stallion. He had learned a long time ago that those horses at the end were not to be messed with and Russell didn't like the white male the Honrin was messing with. Aylu himself slept with his horse and knew the other horses rather well. He had made it a habit of taking them out every little now and then and letting them run and play.

"Is he ride-able? I used to work with horses when I was back home. If he is aggressive there are ways of breaking that. Would you like some help?" he asked looking at the male. He didn't want to give the boy any wrong impressions and hoped that he wanted help. The white stallion always seemed to cause uproars between the other horses and Aylu wanted to get the horse to calm down enough to not freak the others out.

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