You've gone ahead without me...


Something in the other's posture changed and he noted it immediately. He couldn't say what caused this change of heart, but he also couldn't say what had started the whole advance. All he knew was that he was glad it was over with and they could all move on. Hopefully. The axe lowered back to his side, and he bent down slowly to pick up his bag. The whole time, his eyes were trained on the other male's face. After something like that, he had no reason to think this wasn't some sort of trick--paranoid and wary of others to begin with, this was a first impression he would not soon forget.
He exhaled slowly as the other took a step back, then sheathed his weapons. Confused, he wondered what he ought to do with the axe--there was nowhere that really counted as "away" to put it. "Eh.." he grunted, mostly to himself. He didn't really have much to say to any of that--his gaze trailed back over to the wolf. In a remarkable feat, he attempted empathy--he imagined if the body were one of his few friends. Surely, if he found Gabriel crumpled up in front of a church and some jackass with an axe walked by, he'd be ready to tear them limb from limb, too.
He grimaced, ever so slightly, then nodded to the strange wolf. "Understandable." Something in him sank--who had done this? Was it someone from Inferni? It seemed unlikely, for then Asmodai wouldn't have halted his attack. Still, he decided he might as well ask. "What happened?"

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