Day by day

She relaxed as the male seemed to not be upset in the slightest by her presence - a wonderful reaction considering the girl was no fool; she knew she had the disadvantage of strength and size in any fight. Her ears perked, listening to his voice, memorizing it in her strange way..perhaps she could claim it was her favorite part of a person. If it wasn't, it was certainly a tie with the eyes. She smiled kindly, lifting a hand to brush away the strands of hair that had fallen into her eyes. "It is rather early....perhaps I should be kind and let her sleep in...." a small grin emerged out of the smile that had previously been on her lips, and she tested the two ideas. Call her daughter, potentially waking her up, or just stay and chat with the male for a bit until it was a reasonable hour and then hunt the ebony girl down. She had no idea, just by appearance or the words he had said so far, that he probably would have rather spent the morning alone, not babysitting a nearby packs leader. "Are you always up so early?" A random question to ask, but when was Fatin not random? Her tail gave a few wags, and she waited both for his response and opinion on waking Phasma.


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