Fistful of Love

Word Count :: 533 OOC: She won't stay long. She'll leave as soon as she realizes her heat is making them uncomfortable. X3

Both pairs of wolfish eyes came to land on Fayne before she even got there. It was the stupid smell that made her so noticeable. She dropped her head. Maybe it wasn't a good time to visit the injured woman, especially in this state. She couldn't keep herself from it though. Growing tiresome of the meadow for now and in need of interaction she approached anyways. Bright emerald eyes came to rest on Jiva as he spoke in a kind voice. Dark ears swiveled forward happily, he didn't seem to be acting strange in her presence, so all was well. "It's good to see you too. I'm doing much better thanks to all of New Dawn." She couldn't help but beam at the thought of them all. Each of them had been there for her and helped her get through this. Without them, she'd still be huddled in the den too afraid to leave even for a moment. "I'm healing, but not as quick as I would like. It's my fault though, I've been restless lately and using the leg more than I should be." Damn heat made it near impossible to get rest.

Fayne noted the way they held onto each other. They were so close. Her mind flitted to Tharin and what had almost happened the other day. It had been because of her naivety. Shame crossed her, replaced with bliss for the handsome wolf who she couldn't get her mind off of. Her tail flitted behind her at the thought of him. Even though she felt the heat was the only reason it had happened, it was hard to wash him from her mind. The silver wolf turned to Palaydrian as she spoke and Fayne smiled back. She wanted to do whatever she could to help. It was necessary. She shook her head. "That's what we do for each other, no need to thank me. The moment I heard your call I wanted to help in any way." Even if some of it routed from her feeling of uselessness. Fayne was silent for a moment, remembering why she wanted to come here in the first place, besides to check up on her. "Palaydrian. I know it might take a while...but if you ever feel like talking about what happened, or just talking in general, I'm here and happy to listen." She also wanted to ask who had attacked her. But, it would be wrong and probably hurtful to ask her right away. It had took Fayne weeks to speak about what happened. Though when she finally did everything was uphill from there. She had even gathered the courage to cross the border after having a mental breakdown.

The slender wolf sat herself on the ground beneath the tree. The shade was an inviting place to rest. She let her eyes wander over the two of them admiring their closeness again hoping that one day she would find someone. It seemed everyone was finding someone except for her and she couldn't help but feel discouraged by it. Even so, she kept a happy demeanor in front of the two.

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