Fistful of Love

D’aww haha! Heat is so silly.

Word Count → 500+

The yearling felt such an overwhelming love for her new family. When she had been chased out of her own homelands, a part of her had believed she’d never experience a real home again. Palaydrian was taking off on the fantasy of finding out where her name had came from, who exactly belonged to the Soul family, and why they had given Fawn away as a pup to Syliat when they had lived in the lands named Bleeding Souls. Didn’t Fawn’s true birth mother want her? These were the types of questions that wracked the golden girl’s brain. Yet the young woman was pleasantly surprised to happen upon a pack that valued the more natural and feral forms of their ancestors, a pack whose hierarchy and customs she could understand. It was this wildness that had instantly called to her, a familiarity in which she felt the most comfortable.

She mentally cursed herself from venturing out and exploring other places when she should have been staying within her new home, learning the names, scents, and faces of her brothers and sisters and becoming even more comfortable in New Dawn before setting off on a wild goose chase. She’d track down her roots in time, and she knew she was only blaming herself and curiosity for what had happened. So perhaps she wasn’t so sorry for her adventures, but now she’d willingly accept staying within the borders and getting to know everyone who had watched over her and cared for their new sister even though she was still such a stranger to them. She owed them that much...and the subord wanted to repay the kindness they had shown her.

The battered girl listened to Fayne speak, her seal point tail gently beating the ground beside her in happiness and agreement with her statements. It was thanks to New Dawn that she was even sitting her in the presence of a pack brother and sister. Thanks to her new family from keeping her away from Death’s door. Her eyes slowly scanned the wolf’s body when she spoke about her leg. Drin hadn’t noticed her limp before, but now her eyes couldn’t tear away from the pink scar on the Delta’s shoulder. She tried to hide her sharp intake of breath, but a part of her imagined Fayne being pinned down like she had and the bastard Aram dragging his knife slowly and sadistically through her flesh.

A wave of sickness made the girl turn her face away to stare at the ground, her tail no longer wagging. She barely nodded her head in reply to Fayne’s offer as she slowly looked up and mustered the courage to reply. Y-yes Fayne, I would like to do that with you...just not yet. Her voice had wavered, but it was getting stronger. Another few days of rest and hopefully she’d be able to produce some vibrating sound. She took a deep breath and allowed herself to smile again, the young lady wasn’t ready to dwell on such heavy subjects.

Drin’s attention immediately snapped to Jiva when he mentioned the objects he was originally hiding from her. Her face broke into pure glee amongst the bumps and bruises and she gave a low chuckle that her vocal chords allowed. Jiva! This is such a wonderful surprise... she vehemently whispered, trailing off to squeeze his hand in affection one last time before she allowed herself to touch the paper.

Table credit goes to Raze! <3.

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