pillars of salt
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Turning a slender ear at the sound of someone approaching, Laurel was surprised to hear his name fall from lips that belonged to someone who he didn't even know. The surprise was clearly evident on his face as he turned his attention from the decorated skulls to the red-eyed wolf, but was soon replaced for vague curiosity as Anselm continued to speak. “Uh, just visitin’,” he trailed off, turning to face him better. “First time someone's known my name when I don't recall us meeting anywhere… you've probably met someone else from the Hollow, right?” Unless he was a voodoo specialist of mind-reading, at least point Laurel would have been thinking of anything to make him regret he could read minds and scare the crap out of folks.

“This is Inferni, right? Some obnoxious chick told me coyotes belong here and acted like I was breaking rules by sitting on the grass and all, so I had to come and check it out later. Nice skulls,” and well, he obviously wasn't there to join, which for the most part Anselm probably understood since he left it out of his questions.


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