[p] devour to survive


Draugr is by Haley!

With the announcement of the scarred coyote as a leader, Draugr hesitated a moment. Was she supposed to kowtow to this woman, then? Draugr didn't think so, but she wasn't absolutely certain, either. The wolfdog shot a glance toward Foxglove, a brief thing, and her lavender eyes were quick to turn away again, nodding as the scarred coyote spoke. It would be easier that way, Dra thought -- rather than figuring out their hierarchy, which would be quickly dissolved anyway, it was better to focus on the task at hand. No wonder that one is a leader, the hybrid thought, her inner tone admirable rather than sarcastic. She was young and lacked this decisive quality.

Draugr was quick to follow along thereafter, her pale eyes glancing toward the hooded canine as she spoke. The wolfdog's muzzle was close to the ground, but she wasn't tracking anything -- simply smelling for the beginnings of a trail. The youth considered the words, and found she had no response for them. It was true what the hooded canine was saying, of course -- mobility made for harder tracking, but there was something off with this theory and Dra could not quite say what it was. I think they're staying in one place, she said, though it was a hesitant sort of remark. I don't know why, though, I just think so. This last was appended quickly, as if the drab hybrid feared contradiction or questioning. She had no reason or justification for her belief, after all -- it was just a feeling.

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