O sister mine

OOC here!

Too much energy. It certainly had been difficult to settle back down again after she had shifted for the first time. Taru's patience had probably been taxed thin, working to keep up with her on that first day. There had been so much to do, finally able to reach out for things that had always been out of reach. Disorienting as well, suddenly being so much taller from before. Luckily she'd adapted easily enough, unlike Keldava. She gazed up at the stars, wishing they could go off and play together. They were old enough now after all. Right?

She giggled at the apology, shaking her head. It's okay. Probably would have woken up anyways. With such a beautiful sky it surely would have called her out. She glanced at the bucket, using one hand to push it away. Her head whipped over as Keldava said her full name, curiosity glistening. Looking up she spotted the moon and laughed. I'm so big! Her tail thumped softly, knowing that she truly was small, only taller than Pandora.


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