Bears to Eat

When the cobra runs for her life, she goes like a whip-lash flicked across a horse's neck.

The coyote hybrid spoke to him, her voice low but her words confident. Hearing her, he could almost believe that nothing could go wrong with this endeavor. He inhaled deeply, glancing through the foliage to the bear snuffling in the carcass, and swiveled his ears forward as she began to lay out the plan. His eyes widened when she said that he would be the attacker; although it made sense with her fleet-footedness and his strength in this form, he was not an experienced fighter by any means. Romps with his siblings and lessons on fighting cats did not count.

But then the female was off, and Skoll watched with horror. Even if he didn’t want to fight, he knew he could not abandon his comrade. Driven by the need to protect his friend, the male stood and waited as Terra darted around the bear, taking nips from the moose and leaping away from the sluggish strikes of the neck-breaking paw.

The boy waited as long as he could stand then launched himself forward, moving fast but quiet. His ears pinned tightly against his skull, and his lips drew back to show his fangs. He sank his jaws into the bear’s hind leg, squeezing until his jaws hurt, and just as quickly released with a yelp of surprise as the predator swung around to strike him.

The coppery taste of blood and fear in his mouth, he dodged then ran out of range of the strike, breathing hard.

Rikki-tikki knew that he must catch her, or all the trouble would begin again.

table by raze; image from wikipedia commons

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