Getting there

Word Count → 306 ::

The pain in Keldava’s thigh was suddenly forgotten in favour of shock when the cat in the bush actually spoke back to her! Keldava hadn’t been expecting the cat to talk back, she only knew them as vicious creatures that randomly attacked, and her fear was put aside to some degree by sheer curiosity over the creature. She pulled herself up into a crouching position to get a better look at the feline hidden in the shadows.

”You… you can talk?” she asked in wonder, creeping forwards slightly. Keldava made it about two feet forwards before she realised that she was walking towards the massive cat and she shrunk back again, though she didn’t retreat. Half of her wanted to shift into Secui and high-tail it out of there but the other half wanted to see more of this weird, beautiful looking cat that could talk.

Keldava;s voice was almost a whisper as she called out again, a slight hint of fear evident in her voice, ”You… won’t hurt me will you?” While Keldava liked to act as though she was older than she actually was on occasions like this her youth showed; a positive answer here would calm her down a great degree because after all, why would something intelligent enough to answer her question lie about hurting her? In Keldava’s experience lies were just for small things, the only person she had encountered that meant her harm had been fairly straight up about it.

Tensely Keldava waited for the cat to respond, her eyes locked on its faint form and body tense, ready to run as best she could in Optime. Of course if the cat actually tried to attack her she would probably trip and fall before getting away but she sure wasn’t going to just stand there and let it kill her.

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