The Wrath of Justice

OOC shtuff here.

Of course she remembered Hadley. He had left a very solid impression on her. A submissive, pathetic, and fearful wolf in her eyes. As soon as the stranger mentioned that he was her mate she was fighting back a cackle. Who would mate to someone so weak? She had several rude comments that she wanted to say but the woman was angry enough as it was and she was from Casa so if she had any chance to join she had to save it. The laugh tickled at Sidra's lips, a wide grin crossing her face as she tried to hold back the laugh. Adelle. That was a fun day. The pup had nearly crushed her but it was all good fun and Sidra had enjoyed the girl's company. "I remember both of them. I did nothing to Hadley!! You can't blame me for that. Adelle is old enough to make her own choices and she chose to drink. No harm came from it. We had a good time too! I- The calico woman was cut off by the light colored woman as she lunged forward unexpectedly. Sidra raised an arm to push the woman away but had no time to make the shove before she was on the floor being yelled at. "Hey!! Let me go! How dare you!" She struggled trying to get free and could have if she wasn't playing nice. But she refrained from using any of the dirty tricks she'd learned while in the trafficking business.

The woman was yelling in her face nearly spitting the words at her. It was unpleasant and uncalled for. Sidra growled and snarled at the woman not really listening to anything she was saying. Frankly, she was pissing the young girl off and she wasn't going to have it. She just continue to struggle and spit profanities at the fae talking over her and ignoring every word she said. "I swear if you don't let me go I'll be forced to fight back!" Of course she didn't think it was wrong to give a pup alcohol. She was introduced to it shortly after her mother died. She was just a pup when it happened. She was just a pup and was forced to do unmentionable things. In her eyes, age meant nothing. It was simply a reminder of time and if you were old enough to walk and talk then you were old enough for anything. Soon, she was released and an unruly snarl trail out from her maw in a low and dangerous tone. Her hackles were raised and claws ready to rip the wolf to shreds. Eyes wondered over her body and a glare was returned. All her scars were visible as she lay there bare and the woman's gaze made her feel self conscious, she didn't like it one bit.

Yeah, she was on her own, except for Kativa. But, that wasn't the stranger's business. The mention of her parents caused another nasty snarl to rumble from her chest. "I don't think any of that is your business, but yes I'm on my own and I'm doing just fine. As for my parents..." She looked away. It was still tough to talk about her mom to anyone but Kativa who was there when it happened. As for her father, he was still back in Alaska and had probably given up all hope of seeing his two girl's again. "My dad doesn't live here and my mother is dead." She stated bluntly. The woman offered her hand to help Sidra up but she ignored the gesture and got up on her own wiping the debris from her back. "Why should I go on a walk with you?"

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