M. broken halo
OOC: And the crowd goes wild for Fayne shifting! Haha, jk. But, this is exciting. Also, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to post before Jiva. Tongue / +802

The young silver fae was still panicking under all those plush layers of fur. Her eyes were still wide but at least she wasn't fearful anymore. She knew she had to help her pack mate in any way she could. Titania's prideful gaze drifted over to Fayne telling everyone in the den to remain calm. She simply nodded knowing she needed to, but her heart was beating so very loud, the adrenaline was rushing through every vein and it was hard to breath. Seeing the Siamese woman laying there broken and battered by who knew who was a difficult sight for her to see, but she would suck it up. Fayne listened carefully to what her Alphess had to say giving her two choices. Two choices that, to her, were very hard to choose from. Her eyes flitted to the opening of the den. Whoever had done this could be out there, waiting. What if it was Amy? There was no way she'd be able to do anything against Amy, or anyone else, that may be out there and would only cause further stress on her pack mates. She had to shift. Her emerald gaze shifted to her optime pack mates and Alphess...she had to change. Even though she was very limited to what she could do in that form, with help from Jiva she would be able to help. She gulped, taking a deep breath afraid of the change she was about to make.

With small whine she began her slow shift. Bones started to crackle and pop underneath the female's tender flesh as the Luperci blood pumped through her, fueling the change. The shift took longer than it would for most but was quickened by the adrenaline that aided her and the need to help. The small frame twisted into a hunched over optime female, tall and slender with long faded black locks falling over her shoulders and in her eyes. She looked rugged and in need of a haircut but there she stood, crouched. The emotions she knew would come filled her and she did her best to hold them back. All those horrible memories flooded into her mind, reminded of all those she'd never see again and the bloodshed that happened on that day. A few tears trickled down her cheeks but that was all. There would be no crying, not right now. She needed to help Palaydrian, JIva, and Titania in any way she could.

A slender am came to wipe away the tears from forest green eyes. She felt naked and open to the world, her tail tucked underneath her like a frightened pup. Fayne stood, sniffing and taking a couple steps forward coming to kneel at Jiva's side. She was determined, hands up and readied to make a move while eyes full of the fiery need to help gazed over at red hybrid. "What can I do?" Her eyes drifted to Palaydrian who seemed to be fighting back unconsciousness, a snarl on her lips while her eyes fluttered open and shut the best they could with the immense bruising and swelling. She was fighting even as she lay tattered on the floor, Titania caressing her head with nimble hands. Worry accompanied the determination in her eyes wishing she could do more than she knew she would be able too. Fayne wanted to reach out and touch the wolf to let her know she wasn't alone, but knew it would probably cause her more pain. A hand lifted to make the move but retracted at the thought of causing the poor woman more pain. Feiry eyes shifted back to Jiva awaiting his orders.

He worked as fast as he could, Jiva didn't need much help and she probably couldn't do much anyways, but she tried her best to be helpful. Her eyes shifted to the den opening frequently, anxiety filled her. She was afraid that whatever had attacked Palaydrian would be out there, but she wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it. Was she a coward for choosing to stay within the safety of the den? She sure hoped not. Once Jiva was finished she looked over at him glancing at the Siamese wolf first. A long arm came to rest on Jiva's shoulder, she saw the worry in his eyes, it was in all their eyes. "I'm sure she'll be okay Jiva. She's strong and you did the very best you could to help her. We just have to keep her safe now." Ears flicked back as she gazed at Palaydrian. She seemed to be stable, but none of them would know until she awoke. Fayne whined wishing she could have done more to help her pack sister.

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