Bad moon risin’
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Phoenix knew, of course, that since he hadn’t been there at the fight he could never know what had really happened. Even if he read the minds of those involved he would not get the truth, since memories were not immune from become twisted and tinted by personal bias, especially after such a long time had passed since then. It was all a matter of trust at this point, and Phoenix trusted Skoll over a bunch of murdering coyotes. He wished he could remain neutral from it all and help his friend without having to worry about the political implications, but unfortunately that would never happen unless there was another shift in power over in Inferni to a leader who didn’t know Skoll or care about the misdeeds of the past. But as chaotic as the coyotes of Inferni could be, the alpha of Storm doubted that would happen.

Laruku said nothing that Phoenix didn’t already know, but it was still a comfort to know that he could speak candidly with another alpha within the valley. Syemv was gone (thanks in no small part to Inferni) so he couldn’t count on their support any more. He didn’t know the leaders of Jaded Shadows but it was obvious they had taken Inferni’s side in all this, though for the life of him Phoenix couldn’t understand why. How had it ever come to an us-against-them mentality anyway? Phoenix had never before held bias against coyotes. It was just this lot that gave him so much to worry about.

“I gave him an offer, but he turned me down,” he answered. “But if he ever comes back, it’d be under th’condition that he stays away from Inferni. An’ I kinda promised Gabriel that if he ever harmed a member of his clan while a member of Storm… I’d help him kill Skoll myself. It’ll never happen though. Skoll’s not interested in causin’ trouble, no matter what Gabriel would tell ya.” Phoenix was a wolf of his word, but he knew such a drastic oath would never come into fruition. And if Skoll could somehow fool Phoenix and (hypothetically) do something to start a war under the flag of Storm… well, he would have (hypothetically) betrayed his trust and deserve whatever fate he (again, hypothetically) brought on to himself.

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