i promise you, i'm never gonna leave

Sorry for the wait.

Word Count → 000

She watched as Noah came in and looked over Ookami, there was something going on in the silver male's mind, something other than this task. She didn't push, and really, she felt she didn't want to know. Ookami was here, needed aid and the last thing she wanted to worry about right now was their relationship, both with Ookami, and with Noah....and with Tharin. Things have become really complicated in her life, and one thing at a time was all she could comprehend. Noah said there was going to be uncertainty about Ookami's leg, and her heart dropped some. Of course, she could live with Ookami being without a leg, but he wouldn't be happy, and he might end up becoming bitter. For a moment, she thought of Jefferson. Adonia's thoughts were interrupted by Noah's voice. She nodded. She would be able to calm him, but first it seemed she needed to go stick hunting. Again, she was without speech and ran out of the cave and went in search of two Ookami leg lengthened sticks.

It took her some time to find a place that was most likely to produce a good straight and sturdy limb perfect for what Noah needed. Adonia had to break off some of the twigs off and she took a rough rock and smoothed it out some so that nothing would irritation his skin while it was set on him. She also did this with the other stick she found before quickly returning to Noah and her mate. She came into the cave a good time after Noah had set the bone back into place, so she didn't get to hear or see the pain on Ookami. Really, she could have handled it, she knew it had to be done. It was the only way to try and save the leg. Her eyes looked over to Noah, and she handed him the sticks. They were perfect, but they would do. They were smoothed, and one side made a little flatter on each so it would make for a good side to set up against his leg. It took her some time, but it would make them last, and make them more comfortable.

She thought for a moment, that this would be good for her to do, maybe she could have a job in the pack as Noah's assistant...a silly idea, but hell...a girl could let her mind wonder to the possibilities. Her eyes wondered down to Ookami, seeing if he had awoken and if needed to be calmed or anything of the sort.

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to effika

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