What's a girl gotta do?
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v90/c ... dkli0i.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: repeat-y; width: 533px;">
She's looking for birds she met last fall
    Awww <3 I don’t know what else to really do with this, so should we end it here?

Who said they would come back different than all
     Khaden’s words didn’t seem too gushing or sappy when he spoke of Ember, but it was clear that he thought only positively about her. Still, from his words alone, he could be speaking of just anyone. It was his body language that clued Cercelee in, and she smiled at the male knowingly. Someone had a crush on Ember, and Cercelee was pleased for her friend, though she wasn’t sure just why. Perhaps it was merely the fact that it was nice for someone to appreciate one’s personality, their strengths, and even their body, while accepting weaknesses and shortcomings. It was nice to have a friend that one could trust, and perhaps Khaden would be that for Ember, perhaps he would even be more.

     Pulling herself up onto three legs and lifting her fourth one, the injured one, she smiled at the male. "It’s probably time for me to get back to the Manor. It takes me a while to walk sometimes and I’m getting a bit tired. Thank you again for the meal, Khaden." Cercelee paused to pick up the remainder of the rabbit, which was not much but she never wasted the flesh of other living creatures. "You be really nice to Ember, else I’ll have to teach you a lesson." Cer laughed merrily at her own little joke, clearly she was in no position to teach anyone a lesson and Khaden didn’t seem like he was the type who needed a lesson. Nodding at him once more, Cer begun to hobble towards the manor.
Table by Tammi!


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