under cover
She had been tuned into it all, the moment the first coyote seemed to come over the stretch and crashed into their party she raised her emerald eyes up from the wounded beast she'd first rushed upon. Her fangs were bared as she watched for a split second as the others from their scouting seemed to fling themselves upon the not so innocent coyotes of the bloodthirsty clan. She ripped her fangs back into the beast she'd already wounded, leaping out of the way of his fangs and scoring her claws down his side as they crashed and came apart.

The sting of his fangs in her fur she barely felt as they grazed her, yet it was nothing but a scratch. She was about to run the weakening male down as she heard the yelps and snarls of motion through the ranks as a dark mass came crashing towards her. She knew she'd been singled out, now not when she had first blood upon her lips. Skirting around the injured male she kept the beast between her and the barreling beast. Her eyes afire as she lunged at the pathedic soul, letting the creature of the night watch as his clanmate died by her fangs. She knew he'd be upon her, but atleast his fury had actual reason for it. Inferni had always hated the outsiders, now there was reason to.

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