tell me no more stories and I'll tell you no lies

     You know, in some countries, being slow when replying to threads is sexy. >__>;

i heard they say the boy's missing

     He clucked disapprovingly; poor child. He would help him (ALL NIGHT LONG) find whatever he needed. If it meant taking a few minutes out of his day, what did it matter? So long the boy was happy (and he was happy, meaning he got what he wanted, which was mainly sex). He supposed that scuffing the kid up would be a bit fun, but you couldn't have everything. Well, perhaps you could. Just a slash here, tear the skin there. Draw just a bit of blood. Don't kill him, just hurt him. Then fuck him and make it all better. Certainly the boy wouldn't mind? If he just got one tiny scar? Certainly, it wasn't too much to ask if he helped the boy out. After all, everyone wanted something in return.

     Hybrid just wanted a bit of blood.

     "What sort of... stuff? Do you need some help finding it?" The boy tried to pull away and Hybrid loosened his grip. He didn't want to frighten the poor child, after all! (Wait, or did he?) He only wanted some blood. Just a drink, just a drink. "I'm very good at finding things, you know," he said, reaching out to stroke the boy's cheek.

     Just some pain.

Table by Mel!

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