M-Be Mine, Stake Your Claim


His hips continued to rock against her gently, her grip on him loosening as she let herself relax, no longer struggling to keep herself from falling, flailing from the amount of pleasure she was receiving. Kit's own voice joined hers, Terra's ears flattening a little with embarrassment. She hadn't meant to howl. Now everyone probably knew why she had gone south from the pack. Burying her head into his neck Terra held on, feeling the familiar lock that told her they were going to be stuck together for a while.

She felt herself satisfied, filled, if not exhausted by the activity. Content to simply stay there with Kit and listen to him speak Terra stretched slightly, moving into a more cuddly position, the tree helping her stay as she was. Only you. Terra would have bit anyone else who had decided to do such a thing. She didn't think she'd even have let Vigilante mark her in such a way. Promise you'll stay. As soon as she realized what she'd said, Terra pulled back. What a stupid wish! They were both wanderers, asking him to make such a promise was ridiculous. Looking away she spoke quietly. Sorry.

Let the night take you away

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