[M]Dancing on the ashes of the world I left behind

OOC text here

The bad feeling was one that she awoke with and plagued her entire daylight time. It was an itch that she couldn't rid herself of, prickling under her fun and making her feel uncomfortable in the thick hair. She couldn't figure out what was wrong at all. Quick constant checks were made throughout the entire day on her various pack members, stealthily however so that they wouldn't notice her, even the blind carver Hotaru that Jace had been so rude to all those weeks ago, an action for which regret was curling up inside of her for. .

The day slid by with aching slowness, all four of her children were unaccounted for, elusive things that they were. Keldava she knew was traveling down south from scent she had found. Honrin was somewhere in Cercatori territory with Pandora and Artoi knew where Dalgina was, most likely in a tree somewhere trying to draw some creature. She was glad of the children she had birthed and how they were growing up, though they grey too quickly for her liking she loved to watch them open up, like flowers finally blooming.

As the daylight crept closer to darkness her sense of impending trouble deepened and thickened, disturbing her regular patterns and forcing her to the borders. In the distance dark clouds gathered and thunder rumbled some miles away, the sound oppressive to her ears. A second crack of thunder split the air some ten minutes later, louder, closer and Jace;s fur bristled, her hackles rising. Her bi colored eyes pierced the darkness and a splash of red on the ground about fifty meters away caught them. Her tail stiffened and she looked about herself warily

Anger tinged underneath her soul, something was going to go horribly wrong. And indeed it did for the hybrid. she neared the blood splattered on the ground and stopped suddenly as the scent of her eldest daughter sharpened in the air. White hot fury now boiled up from the depths of her body, the trail let away from Cercatori, the scent following it. They had taken her, the two foreign scents she tasted in the air. The sound rushed through her chest and up her throat, the roar of rage so strong that it sent birds rushing away from her, echoed from the trees like some hell bound beast that had risen from the underworld. They would pay for everything.

Word Count :: +400

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