through the looking glass.
Nikita quirked a curious eyebrow at his awed tone when he asked about places where coyotes and wolves co-existed so easily. It made a small smile spread across her features, though she made sure that there was no other emotion belying the expression. “Well, Laurel and I wandered a lot, so it was all around here. Mostly from the north, around to the west, and a bit in the south. We were all just gettin’ along, so you learned not to care who — or what, in this case — you were traveling with. Just as long as they helped you and you helped them, no one could care less.” She set her jaw thoughtfully. “It’s kind of… callous, but also somewhat interesting. It breaks down a lot of those old discriminations that seem to live so vibrantly here.” She sighed. She barely saw a difference between wolves and coyotes; they were practically the same thing, minus size and a few other physical characteristics. This place was fine, but these people had a way of making a mountain out of a molehill on that issue.

“Oh,” she murmured, interest sparking in her olive eyes as she remembered something she had meant to ask an Inferni member. “I heard on the wind that there was some bad vibes passing between you and some wolf pack?” It was a light question, though she was very interested. All that she had been thinking about before, possibly brought to life in a conflict between the coyotes and the wolves that lived around these parts. It was… interesting. In her nomadic life, there hadn’t been time for many conflicts; mostly just moving from point A to point B. They hadn’t stuck in one place long enough to really get under anyone’s skin…

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