Getting there

As Ovi noticed the fear in her more and more, and the way she rhetorically stated that he could talk, Ovidiu began to relax a little more. She was so young and his appearance was so strange to her that he doubted she would attack him as long as he kept calm. And so, he relaxed his stance a little bit and sat up from his crouching position to a more natural sitting one. She asked him if he was going to hurt her and he slowly shook him head, I won’t hurt you if you don’t hurt me. And his slate eyes looked down at the daggers once more.

She was bleeding though, not too badly, but enough for him to see the dark red stain her brown thigh; he took a step forward, Do you need help? I could clean that for you. It was an odd suggestion, seeing as that she was scared of him, but he knew the miracles his rough tongue could do to a small cut. Once he was closer to her though, the scent he had recognized before was even stronger, You know, you smell like a girl I met, named Dalgina. He said with a small smile, remembering the beautiful girl that he had just met the other day. He would never admit it but he had dreamed about her the other night, dreamed that he could stand on two legs like them and that she had found him beautiful. Ovi felt his fact heat up so he pushed these thoughts to the side.

Word Count → 262

Out of character

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