[M] [DND] I am capable of really anything
Seb would be more suspicious if their hair wasn't different, but awright Tongue and we can play through, I don't mind. Seb is a slutslutslut face.

Sebastian grinned slyly up at Bartholomew. It had been a while, hmm? He could deal with that. "Do not worry, cara mia," he purred invitingly. "I'll be gentle, hmm?" Sebastian shifted to his side, his dark hand steadily beginning to work up and down the dual-coloured male's hardening length. He liked the hand that stroked along his upper body and face while the other wandered around his waist, but surely he could put those to better use.

Sebastian let his tongue slip out and slide wetly along Bartholomew's, his salmon-pink sliding along the taller male's sharp teeth and black lips in a messy kiss. The Italian unzipped his jeans and pulled them down to his thighs as they became uncomfortable, releasing his growing erection. It excited him, prompting the Italian to continue the kiss for another few seconds before a low groan from Bart stroking his hardening cock made him pull away with a groan.

The Italian's tongue slid across his lips as he winked at Bartholomew before he got to his hands and knees and crawled between his legs. Sebastian lapped at his abdomen, slipping across each muscle as his slender hands worked to get his skirt off. The Breton grinned as he pushed the pelt away and leaned down, his tongue following the treasure trail until he could tease the head of Bartholomew's hot shaft.

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