a little bit of earth
OOC / +916

Things had taken a dramatic shift for the small silver wolf. Her previous heat cycle had stirred up some emotions she'd never had before. In the field with Tharin she'd come so close to letting the heat scent take hold of her and if it wasn't for him, they would have made a big mistake. Those happenings had her feeling something for him but once the heat had faded, she found herself right back where she had started. Lost. As she slept in the pack den her dreams said it all. She pictured herself with a mate, a large wolf with a face she couldn't pin. They had made a family. Their puppies tussled and tumbled around with each other as the two wolves in love sat in their own den. Fayne's slender form rested underneath the mysterious wolf, his head rested on top of hers as she watched her children play. He cooed softly to her telling her how much he loved her and how he'd always be there and she cooed back.

The dream continued, her small silver form fidgeted as she slept. Happy whines and yelps passed the barrier from dream to reality while her head tossed as if she was rubbing up against the her mystery mate. Her tail swayed even though she was sleeping, it was as if she was in the dream and the warm bodied male was actually beside her. As morning came around, the light slowly began to seep into the den gently caressing her face with it's comforting warmth. The sound of shuffling combined with the light against her closed eyes was enough to awake her. She opened one sleepy eye to see Palaydrian preparing to leave. She placed a kiss on his cheek before getting up to leave. Fayne couldn't help but smile. The happy feelings her dream left her with, mingled even after she awoke. But, she realized it was only a dream and soon pushed the wonderful thoughts aside.

She stretched on the mossy floor, back and neck arching as she yawned. Sleepy eyes blinked trying to adjust to the bright morning light that trickled into the mouth of the cave. Once adjusted and stretches completed she padded outside looking around for Palaydrian. She was nowhere in site. Perfect. Now was the perfect time to find her and talk to her about both of their past occurrences. It would be good for the both of them. That, and she was more than curious about who had attacked her family member. It angered her thinking it could have been Amy and her soul would be eased knowing who it had been for sure. Fayne raised her head to pin point the Siamese wolf's scent before she padded off after her. It was a long journey, she took her time reaching the unknown destination. Her wound was still healing. It'd taken longer than she'd expected with her constant need to run while her heat was here. So now she was giving it time to heal fully taking slow and steady strides through New Dawn. It took her quite a while to get where she was going but she didn't mind one bit. Her home was lovely and going so slow lent her the chance to take in views she hadn't seen before. There was always something new when she traveled over the land.

The scent eventually lead her into the forests surrounding New Dawn. She knew she was somewhere near Deer Lake. She continued to jog along hoping she'd come to her destination soon. Why had Palaydrian come all the way out here? A sweet aroma filled the air around her, very similar to the meadow and this brought a smile on her face. A butterfly flitted by on it's own journey stopping to hover around her face. She snapped playfully at it before continuing along. The forest was full of life, birds chirped all around. The trees were filled with song. The tattered female wolf soon came into view along with the beautiful garden she had grown. She was walking along several lines of plants pouring water onto them. The curious silver female tilted her head wondering what Palaydrian was doing exactly, but a bright smile shone on her face at the lovely sight. There were butterflies and hummingbirds flying around busily collected nectar from the variety of flowers. Fayne took a few moments to simply stand there and look over it all before approaching her pack sister.

This place is beautiful. It reminds me of my...the meadow where I spend so much time. A lot of the flowers smell the same, it's such a lovely place She often forgot that Sunrise Meadow didn't belong to her, it belonged to all of New Dawn but she couldn't help but feel close to the place. Was is it though? Did you do all of this yourself? Gleaming emerald eyes wondered over each aspect of the garden including the small trees that were held up with sticks tied to them. It wasn't a natural occurrence. She continued to walk around the lovely place crossing the tree border the wolf had made. She noted the man made items that lay around her bed of flowers and herbs. A curious nose came down to sniff each one before she reached the wolf with her tail swaying excitedly behind her.

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table by Nat - textures courtesy of 3-sisters-stock


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