Fistful of Love
Word Count :: 272 OOC:

Being the first one to witness the woman make a mark on the paper was one he would gladly watch again, just the pure joy and curiosity that emanated from the woman was toxic. He grinned at her as she spoke. He couldn’t help but grin at her.

“It is like magic isn’t it? Now I want you to try to make a circle, just move your wrist around like this.”

He said demonstrating in the air what he wanted her to do. He was sure by now she knew his ultimate motives. He wanted to teach her yes, but he also wanted her to exercise her body. She wouldn’t have to do it long, but he knew the less she moved the more she would have to work at getting better. He learned this from his uncle when he had nearly broken his toe. The man was full of knowledge and it seemed to help Jiva even now. Silently he thanked his uncle and hoped he would see the man again, perhaps to learn even more. If not for Liam Palaydrian would have been at the mercy of Deuce or Noah, but Luckily Jiva maintained his memories and worked well enough for it to be satisfactory. He sat and watched Drin to see how she would do it. She chose a different hand than him but he saw no reason to correct her, His father was right handed as well and if he remembered correctly so was his mother in any case he was curious as to how well her stiff muscles could make a circle.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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